Friday, December 19, 2008

E learning tools Kay

Blogging tools
Collaboration tools: Application sharing
Collaboration tools: Audio conferencing

Messaging guide

Most effective collaboration systems center on the exchange of simple text messages through e-mail or discussion groups. Even when audioconferencing and videoconferencing are available, many learners still prefer the simplicity, convenience, and record keeping of text messages.

This example is a guide to messaging. It is written to learners but applies to instructors as well.

Collaboration tools: News reader

Jewelry by Katherine Horton

Before working for William Horton Consulting, Katherine Horton was an internationally recognized jewelry designer and craftsman. From this page you can launch collections of photographs of her work.


Photograph of Bill Horton speaking.We share our knowledge and stimulate your own through the classroom training courses we offer. Our courses are listed to the left in the table of content. Select a workshop that interests you to see a description, topics available, and customization ideas.

Here are some of the questions we frequently get from clients:

What standard workshops are available?

Each of our available workshops is described in detail. Select a workshop from the menu to the left to learn more. Or, click the next button at the lower right of this window to browse our workshop offerings.

Can workshops be customized?

All our workshops can be customized to better meet your needs. Our standard workshops can be templates, or starting points, for a customized workshop. Many of our clients request that we extend or focus our training to more closely address their particular needs. To do this we can:

  • Combine modules from different workshops.
  • Combine a workshops with consulting on specific projects.
  • Change the name of our workshop offerings or modules to better reflect your terminology.
  • Design and conduct the workshop for video broadcast or tapings. (This option requires a special agreement.)
  • Review your company's documents and computer screens and incorporate them as examples and exercises.
  • Create a workshops for your unique situation, showing how to apply general design principles within the constraints of your product line, authoring system, or style guide.

What must you provide?

We have prepared a check list to help you get ready. It covers room setup, audio-visual requirements, and other logistical issues. Download the checklist and print it out for reference. (125K PDF. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

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How are workshops booked?

To learn more about how to bring one of our workshops to your site, call us at +1.303.545.6964 or e-mail us at

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